Skyline R34 GT
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Skyline R34 GT

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7/1998 Nissan Skyline

All original


Drives well, engine is quiet, no shaking or whining.

Storage available until US legal

Since its debut in April 1957, the Skyline has continually evolved over the past 41 years as a Grand Touring car that has consistently delivered superlative driving performance. The 10th generation Skyline has been developed around the concept of "an authentic sports sedan and coupe that abound with a sensation of stellar performance derived from thorough pursuit of driving pleasure." The basic design philosophy was to provide "the best driving pleasure" based on faithful execution of the driver*s intentions. In addition to impeccable handling, stability and driving performance resulting from uncompromising pursuit of a car*s intrinsic functions for going, cornering and stopping, qualities befitting the Skyline have been achieved in every aspect, including its bold styling and superb interior comfort. Moreover, it also strikes a balance with societal demands for enhanced environmental friendliness and safety.

If you're looking to import a Skyline or other JDM, please contact us.

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Skyline R34 GT

Skyline R34 GT

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We use the mid-market rate for our Converter. This is for informational purposes only

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7/1998 Nissan Skyline

All original


Drives well, engine is quiet, no shaking or whining.

Storage available until US legal

Since its debut in April 1957, the Skyline has continually evolved over the past 41 years as a Grand Touring car that has consistently delivered superlative driving performance. The 10th generation Skyline has been developed around the concept of "an authentic sports sedan and coupe that abound with a sensation of stellar performance derived from thorough pursuit of driving pleasure." The basic design philosophy was to provide "the best driving pleasure" based on faithful execution of the driver*s intentions. In addition to impeccable handling, stability and driving performance resulting from uncompromising pursuit of a car*s intrinsic functions for going, cornering and stopping, qualities befitting the Skyline have been achieved in every aspect, including its bold styling and superb interior comfort. Moreover, it also strikes a balance with societal demands for enhanced environmental friendliness and safety.

If you're looking to import a Skyline or other JDM, please contact us.



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